Frequently Asked Questions
Does it cost anything to join Math Monday?
Math Monday is a free, weekly drop in lunchtime activity for all students. There is no cost to join. The only costs associated with Math Monday are the costs of purchasing the games. We have found success in securing funding from our school PTA.
Can I bring my own games?
Yes. Math Monday only works when there are ample games, puzzles and manipulatives for children to engage with. These games can be sourced from your home or purchased at a local retailer or on Amazon.
What if I’m not good at math. Can I still help?
There is no pre requisite for having learned math. Parents only need to be able to read the directions and understand how to play the games and then, in turn, explain them to the students. No previous math experience is needed!
My school already has a math club. Should I still start one?
Unlike competitive math clubs, Math Monday is open to all students of all abilities. It offers a much lower level of commitment – it is drop-in based and can be any size. We find that Math Monday is an excellent complement to existing math clubs and Family Math nights because it helps to strengthen the math skills students are building while providing an additional opportunity to execute the math they already know.