Quick reminder: Our next Math Monday will be tomorrow Tuesday, May 26 at noon PST, not today, because of the Memorial Day holiday. I hope you many of you get to enjoy a day outdoors with your families.
Get ready for magic! Our guest host Spencer Bowen will show us a mathematical magic trick. Then he’ll give us a puzzle involving colors and counting.
CLICK HERE on TUESDAY at NOON to join Math Monday.
Be sure to bring: about 20 each of 4 colors of stackable objects, like Lego blocks, poker chips. Or if you don’t have those, bring four colored pencils and some blank paper.
And if you like magic & math, check out these mathematical magic tricks. The best part is that knowing how the tricks work only makes them more interesting.
Parents: plan on sticking around for the event so you can play these games with your kids. If you can’t make the event, no worries — I send a replay to everyone after the event.
Math Monday is a weekly online event that gives families a way to play fun math games at home, using things you have around the house. Activities are aimed at kids aged 8-14, and are fun for adults as well as kids. If you want friends to invite others to join Math Monday, send them this link: http://mathmonday.net
— Scott Kim, Chief Puzzle Officer